We started our sailing journey very casually – Dan on a Sunfish and Julie on an O’Day Daysailor. A chance invitation from a co-worker to sail in the Virgin Islands got us both hooked and started us on a very different path for recreation and as a lifestyle.
From that initial charter experience we both began to dream of a sailboat large enough to live on with a goal of getting to tropical waters. We did our research on boats, made a list of requirements (the must-haves vs. would-like-to-have). Our process led us to Gozzard Yachts but it was 2013 before we actually purchased one.
In early 2015 we sold our condo in downtown Minneapolis and started living a more nomadic life. There are challenges with this lifestyle such as having no ‘fixed’ address and the need to reduce possessions to a minimum (we’re still working on this!).
The Long-Term Plan
We still have the dream of sailing in tropical waters. But we also want to fully experience sailing on the Great Lakes. Our journey eastward will take us to each of these amazing lakes and finally to salt water where we will turn to starboard and head south.
During the off-season our travels have been centered around housesits – where we take care of other people’s pets (OPP) fulfilling our fix for furry friends.
Our Blog
Regarding this blog – our intention is to share our journeys of the great places we visit. Included will be the special moments, and of course, memorable food and beverages experiences along the way. While we do our best to stay current, access to internet may not always facilitate that desire. With that in mind, we will backdate posts so they will be in chronological order.