1100+ Miles and Culture Shock!
We were facing 80 plus nautical miles to cross Lake Superior from Windigo Harbor on Isle Royale to Stockton Island in the Apostles. Our last day on this trip would …
We were facing 80 plus nautical miles to cross Lake Superior from Windigo Harbor on Isle Royale to Stockton Island in the Apostles. Our last day on this trip would …
Loon Harbour is not a harbor in the conventional sense. Rather than being an anchorage enclosed by the shore of an island or coastline, Loon Harbour is nestled among several …
With the summer rapidly slipping away, we had eliminated a number of stops along the northern shore. One of those cut from the itinerary was CPR Slip (Canadian Pacific Railway). …
After running into a problem setting our CQR anchor in the grassy bottom at Indian Cove along Lake Superior’s east shore we ran into the same problem in Woodbine Harbour …