Salmon and Wawa
Before I say anything else, we finally left Wawa this morning! Being in one place for a week was giving both Dan and me a bad case of cabin fever. When …
Before I say anything else, we finally left Wawa this morning! Being in one place for a week was giving both Dan and me a bad case of cabin fever. When …
.Oh my – where to begin? Let’s start with the positive. I’ve had lots of time to catch up on the blog and have added a whole new Photo Gallery …
When we departed Indian Harbour and said goodbye to Dave and Margaret on Steelen Time, we intended to head for Wawa. They insisted that at a minimum we should go …
After scrambling along the cliffs facing Ganley Island to admire and wonder at fading petroglyphs at Agawa—including a horned, spiny-backed lynx/Manitou (Ojibwe spirit), canoeists and a horse and rider—we set …