Back in 2005 when we sailed the North Channel on the Blue Loon we met a couple (Jerry and Clare) at Spider Bay Marina in Little Current, ON. A few cocktails were consumed and a friendship established. Jerry and Clare were more than happy to invite us to their home when we travelled to Goderich this past April and we promised that if we went into the North Channel we would connect. Our target meeting date was July 21st at Croker Island. Now this is not a place that has phones or internet but it does have blueberries. By using our DeLorme Explorer I was able to get a message to Clare that we were heading to Croker.
Weather Check
Before we departed, we reviewed the weather, consulted with our neighboring dock mates who reported that the wave heights at the North Channel Buoy were only 1-2 feet. This was considerably calmer than the day before and we headed out with a route planned for a diagonal run across the North Channel.
Immediate lesson learned – The North Channel Buoy reports wave heights in meters not feet! The video clip below does not give full justice to the waves we were seeing but they were definitely in the 4-6 foot range! Whoo hoo!
GoPro video of North Channel Waves

Depending upon the anchorage, it is quite common in the North Channel to drop an anchor off the bow and tie your stern to a tree or rock. Once comfortably secured we decided to take a hike up the hill above. We found wild blueberries all over and while most were small there were more than a few superior caches with larger berries. Even Dan picked and he hates picking berries! The pancakes the next morning were extra special!

July 21 46°04.546N 82°12.941W 519.5 Nautical Miles