It seems we’ve been lucky with the weather and have always been just ahead or off to the side of some major weather systems. While we skirted westward along the northern side of the North Channel, some major weather tracked to the south of us along Manitoulin Island. We saw lots of dark clouds but managed to stay on a sunny path all the way to Milford Haven on St. Joseph Island.
We opted for this anchorage after reading the GLCC Harbor Reports for the area. We knew that we needed a stopping point between Blind River and the trek up the St. Mary’s River. Milford Haven was a true haven as we were the only boat inside the well-protected cove. There is one cabin and boathouse but there was no sign of life at either.
Aside from one pontoon that went by on a family outing, we were alone with the company of a solo Bald Eagle.
Calm, perfect, bliss.
August 1 46°08.134’N 83°41.972W 614.6 Nautical Miles
Click here to see a video of Milford Haven