We’ve been so quiet lately, hibernating away through this snowy winter. Well hibernating as in sleeping isn’t quite right. Spending too much time in front of a computer screen is more like it. Since my last nerd post I’ve been working on GaviidaeSails trying to figure out how to

“monetize” a portion of the site. This is all part of my quest to learn what is possible with WordPress and how much I can figure out on my own. My latest efforts modified everything under the Resources menu and added a sub-menus for Cool Gear, Marine Services and Repairs, Provisions and Restaurants (Food!), and Organizations. I have learned that you must double/triple check across a variety of platforms to ensure the site or page looks good across all devices. This knowledge was acquired the hard way after spending a huge amount of time putting in columns for the Cool Gear page only to discover that it was a mess on smaller devices like smartphones and tablets. All part of the sometimes slow and frustrating learning process! At least it pulled me out of winter hibernation!
The Cool Gear section has links through Amazon Associates for items we have found useful onboard. And following full-disclosure – if you click on one of the links and actually buy the item from Amazon we get a teensy little kick-back that will go to our cruising kitty. Of course you are under no obligation and we would always encourage you to shop around to make sure you get the best price – we do!