Fresh Pesto Chicken and Roasted Greek Potatoes
To celebrate our arrival in Old Dave’s Harbour after a somewhat bumpy ride out of Wawa, I made pesto chicken breast in the oven with sides of my short-cut version …
To celebrate our arrival in Old Dave’s Harbour after a somewhat bumpy ride out of Wawa, I made pesto chicken breast in the oven with sides of my short-cut version …
After botching Sunday night’s meal of Mexican Cornbread Casserole–when I absent-mindedly used cornmeal instead of cornbread mix, for which I blame our guest Dewey’s Manhattans—I redeemed myself tonight by grilling …
After years of avoiding whiskey cocktails like the plague thanks to some megaton-level hangovers, I’ve developed a taste for the Manhattan Cocktail. I have other, mixed associations with this classic …
Found a new shrimp scampi recipe online tonight that resulted in one of the most intense and balanced lemon sauces I’ve come across yet–and I’ve been experimenting with scampi for …